



農林水産省 消費・安全局 畜水産安全管理課課長

共同代表 天笠啓祐
共同代表 大野和興







3、成長促進を目的とした抗生物質はMIAsに限らず、共耐性、交差耐性につながりかねない抗生物質についても使用を認められるべきではありません。(参照:下表のPrinciple 5)

4、MIAsの定期的(常態的)な使用を禁止し、やむを得ず使用する場合にも期間を限定すべきです。現在、抗生物質使用の最大の目的は、不衛生かつ密集した環境で飼育される家畜の疾病予防にあります。本来、家畜の健康は、予防接種や衛生状態の改善、飼育密度の緩和、そして病気にかかった家畜の治療にのみ投与される薬剤によって守られるべきです。(参照:下表のPrinciple 6)

5、特定の疾病に対する予防的措置として使用される場合にも、期間を限定して使用されるべきです。(参照:下表のPrinciple 7)

6、広告・宣伝に関する規定は大変重要であり、特に「慎重使用およびその他(の規制的な推奨事項)」の記述を再度挿入し、「Control of Advertising」と「Advertising」のセクションを31の挿入事項とともに、そのまま明記することを要望します。(参照:下表の「Control of Advertising」の パラグラフ41、42および「Advertising」のパラグラフ30と31)


パラグラフの番号 修正・加筆・削除の提案
Principle 5 Responsible and prudent use of antimicrobial agents does not include the use for growth promotion of antimicrobial agents that are considered medically important or are able to cause cross- or co-resistance to antimicrobial agents that are considered medically important. Antimicrobial agents that are not considered medically important should not be used for growth promotion unless potential risks to human health have been evaluated through procedures consistent with the Guidelines for Risk Analysis of Foodborne Antimicrobial Resistance CAC/GL 77-2011.
Principle 6 Medically important antimicrobial agents should only be used for therapeutic purposes (treatment or control/metaphylaxisprevention/prophylaxis of disease); or in certain circumstances for research and conservation.
Principle 7 When used for prevention/prophylaxis of a specific disease risk, medically important should only be used in well-defined circumstances for a limited time period, based on epidemiological and clinical knowledge, and follow appropriate professional oversight, dose, and duration.
Control of Advertising

Article 30

Competent authorities should assure ensure that advertising and promotion of antimicrobial agents is done in accordance with national legislation or policies
Control of Advertising

Article 31

Advertising and promotion of antimicrobial agents should be done in a manner consistent with prudent use guideline and any other prudent use guidelines and any other specific regulatory recommendations for the product”

Article 41


It is the responsibility of the marketing authorization holders to only advertise antimicrobial agents in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 30-31 on the Responsibilities of the Competent Authorities, Control of Advertising and to not advertise medically important antimicrobials to producers.



Advertising should only be targeted to persons permitted to prescribe or supply antimicrobial agents. Promotional campaigns involving economic or material benefits for prescribers or suppliers of antimicrobials should be discouraged not be used.”